
Monday, March 4, 2013

Kid Falls

When a kid falls down the stairs:

("Walking down the steps beside this kid")


("The kid falls down the steps")


Me: ahahahahahah

("See all of the girls that go to the kid")

Brain: Fall

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Hated Kid 

When the kid you don't like does not come to school:

("I walk in the class and look around")

Me: Where is Nappy at hope he's not here today 

("Class starts at 9 its 8:53 I'm looking at the clock hoping he doesn't come")


("Its 9:15 teacher comes in and closes the door and start teaching") 

Teacher: Okay you guys let me take roll... Nappy Nappy guess he is absent today.  

Me: He's Not Here!! Oh Hell Yeah!!


Teacher: Get out  


When my refrigarator is empty:

Me: Oh yea time to get me something to eat boy been hungry alllllllllll damn day.
("Open the fridge the light comes on")

("The refrigerator is bright in the inside I look inside and see no food")

 Me: What the fuck ain't no food in here oh Hell nawwwww!!!, They must don't know I'm growing boy and I need to eat.

("I walk into moms room brave chest up")

Me: Aye mom you know ain't no food in the fridge. You need to go buy some.

("Mom walks up to me with a smile") 

Mom: Do you know who you talking to boy your tongue won't be able to taste food when I'm through with you.

("this strange object comes to my fast really fast")


("Moms hand made my face feel like it got struck by lightning")  

 Mom: Now what do you have to say

Me: No I'll starve 

Monday, February 25, 2013

In the store

When something in the store costs more than 20 dollars:

 Me: I got me 20 dollars today. I got the big bucks. 

("Looking at some speakers for my phone")

Me: Oh shit I'm going to buy them.

("look at the price 17.99. I pick up the box and take it to the cashier")

Cashier: Are you going to buy these. 


Cashier: Let me ring you up. That will be 25.00 please. 

Brain:  WTF wrong with these fool get the hell out of there. 

Me: Oh hell nawwwwwwwwww

(" I walked out the store")


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Teacher Makes Jokes 

When my teacher makes the lamest jokes:

Teacher: Hey you guys what did the boy candy say to the girl candy? 

("I'm smirking a little thinking it has to be funny")


Me: What does he say.

Teacher: He said we are mint for each other ahahahahaha. 

Me: Bitch that ain't even funny just stop.


When i finally do my homework and the teacher doesn't check it:

Me: Did my damn homework today.

("Walks in the class and go up to the teachers desk")
Me: Hey Mrs. Ding Dong i did my homework today. 

("teacher smiles")
Teacher: Good job but I'm not taking it for a grade, but glade you did it anyway


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Shoes

When my new shoes get stepped on:

Me: "Whistling"
("Then someone bumps into me")
Person: Oh Im so sorry.
Me: Oh its okay no problem.
("Then i look down at my new Jays and i see a scratch")
Me: Oh hell no !!!
("person is walking away")
("I walk back up to the person")
Me:  Them shits was new.


When a student tells me that our teacher is gone for the day:
Me: Oh hell yeeeeeaaaaaa!!! I'm not doing no work today and im acting up.
("I'm walking to class before i get inside")
("When i look inside the classroom i see our regular teacher")

Dog Farts

Dog farts in kitchen near me:

("When I smell it")


("Oh Hell Nooooo!!!") 




Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm off Punishment


When my dad tell me i'm off punishment:
Dad: You are off punishment
Me: Yes im so excited
Me: Time to go outside!!!!
("Dad calls me back im not done talking to you yet")